Tuesday, January 24, 2012


Dear Addison,

You are only 13.5 months old, but you amaze me every second I'm around you. From the second you were born to dinner tonight at Subway, I just can't get over it. I never was a sappy guy. I could watch the ending of "Click" or "Marley and Me" before you were born and not shed a tear. Now, even thinking about the endings, I get teary eyed. Something inside me has changed, and I dare say for the better. You can't even say a word in english yet (not fully, anyway) and you've changed the person I am. I never understood my mother when she would tell me how sad she was that I wasn't in the house when I moved out during college. But being away from you during the school day makes me anxious. I look at a photo or video of you more than once a day. Only 13.5 months old. It's hard to put into words how much I love you. I've known your mother for a long time. We've had some great times and I've put her through some rough times (we'll talk about that when you get into high school middle school) but I never thought I could ever love someone as much as I love your mother. Then you came along. I was ready. Then I met you. The first second I saw you, I loved you that much. You'll never know the love I have for you until you have a child of your own. The part I dread the most is what your mother and I put our parents through, and what they put their parents through. Growing up and moving on. Not depending on us any more. Meeting someone you love as much as we love you. That day when we are no longer on the forefront of your mind and the day we don't come home to you. I know that day will come and it will break my heart, but know that I will always love you. No matter what stupid decision you make, I will always love you. Don't ever be afraid to tell me anything, because I will never judge you and will always love you. I look forward to grounding you when you screw up, being there for you when a boy breaks your heart, watching you grow into the woman you will become. Whoever you become and whatever you do, I will always love you.


  1. You should print this, seal it, and give it to Addison when she turns 18...

  2. Waaaaaaaa! I'm bawling my eyes out currently. I did not see that coming, but I love it and I love you.

  3. Dag Eric! I did not need to ruin my make-up this morning! This is the sweetest thing ever, and I know it's going to mean so much to Addison to have these words from you always!!
