Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Human Beings

Warning: Below you will find topics on homosexuality, interracial relationships, racism, and some foul language on my part. If these things make you uncomfortable to the point that you would comment negatively that could hurt someones feelings or piss someone off, DO NOT READ! These are my opinions, and you do not have to agree with me. But I ask that if you do not, let's have a conversation, not a shouting match. Thanks!

So I was having a conversation with a "friend" the other day about life. We have a similar upbringing, but are on oposite sides of the fence when it comes to our beliefs. He is very prejudice, borderline racist, but he cannot put into words what he believes other than to say he doesn't like something. I'm challenging him to actually articulate why he doesn't like something (or someone, or a group of people).

The whole conversation began because his ex started "talking" to another guy of a different race. He was really upset and when I asked him why, he said, "I just am." After a few minutes of prodding, I got him to say it was because she (the ex) was white and the new guy was not. I asked him to explain to me why that is a problem and he couldn't. I, in my most calm voice possible (umm...), explained my point of view on the world.

Being racist does no good to anyone. We are all humans. Plain and simple. We are all equal on that basic level and no one can argue that. A human being is a human being. The reason racism exist is because of fear of the unknown. When we meet someone from a different culture with a different way of doing things, our first instinct is to become defensive. It's an animalistic instinct that we cannot help. BUT WHAT SETS US APART FROM ANIMALS IS THAT WE CAN USE OUR DEVELOPED BRAIN TO MAKE A DECISION NOT TO FEAR, NOT TO ATTACK BECAUSE SOMEONE IS DIFFERENT, yet that happens so little. How are we any better than an animal if we deny ourselves the opportunity to be human?

Let's not lie to ourselves. There are people out there that want to harm us because of the way our county is and the way those people are brought up. But that's not what I'm talking about. I'm talking about people in our own community that pose NO THREAT to anyone. People in our country that are doing the same thing we all are doing: Attempting to be HAPPY and live a life that we can be proud of. If nothing else, just to survive. Who wants to be unhappy. No one. Something makes everyone happy, makes you feel good to be alive. Unless that something is harmful to others, why should we judge a human being on what makes them happy. Does an interracial relationship physically harm me? NO! Does two people of the same gender loving each other PHYSICALLY HARM ME? NO!!!! It's because people become uncomfortable with something they, themselves do not understand or take part in. I DO NOT agree with killing defenseless animals for sport, but if that makes you happy, and you are not physically harming another human being, go for it. I understand that you can justify hunting all day long. Fine. I still don't like it. If you want to carry a gun. Fine. These things (and many more) make some people happy and I do not agree, but they don't not harm me (unless you shoot me with the gun). I do not impose my beliefs and values on you, so why should you on someone who wants to date a person of a different race or gender. This was suppose to be a place that you could do what you wanted without PERSECUTION. Yeah, I'm free to love another man if want, but God forbid I want to marry him. Holy SHIT if he also happens to be black!

There will always be injustice and evil in the world. That's the irony of being human. But in this county, where we used to pride ourselves on "the land of the free," why teach our children to hate when it already exists?  It's mind boggling sometimes...

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